Sustainable energy system
Energy market
End consumers
Energy transition
The term ‘energy transition’ refers to the large-scale social transformation needed to switch from an energy system based on non-renewable sources to a system that is based on renewable and sustainable sources. The ultimate goal here is to reduce the net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050 and as such, achieve climate neutrality. However, this does not just involve replacing coal, oil and gas with wind and solar energy.
The energy transition encompasses society as a whole and affects countless aspects of daily life. It is about the switch from coal-fired power station to wind energy, but it is also about upgrading homes so that they can be heated better. It is about reducing our consumption and about research into new sustainable and energy-efficient technologies. It is about attracting investments, building infrastructure and creating business cases that will help the renewable sector flourish. Finally, it is about making responsible, clear, and effective policies.
In order to make the energy transition possible, the EU and the Dutch government have set ambitious climate goals and projects that are receiving billions of euros of investment. The EU’s FitFor55 package is one of the world’s most ambitious climate packages. This set of binding European regulations strives for a 55% reduction in carbon emissions from 1990 levels. What’s more, the EU is revising its Renewable Energy Directive – it is expected that by 2030, 42.5% of energy consumption must originate from renewable sources, 29% of mobility energy must be renewable, and energy efficiency must be improved by at least 32.5%. Within this framework – and thanks to the 2019 Climate Agreement – the Dutch government has decided to aim for a 60% reduction in carbon emissions, for which €35 billion will be made available.
The transition requires investments. Starting with research into new technologies and their development. In addition, a policy is needed that supports the development of renewable energy. Furthermore, campaigns are required to educate society about energy saving and to raise awareness about the importance of a sustainable lifestyle. A sustainable energy system helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It improves the energy security and promotes economic development while protecting the environment.
The success of the energy transition depends on the cooperation and collaboration of governments, businesses and civil society. Energie-Nederland contributes to the energy transition by advocating and striving for clear legal frameworks based on the principle of market forces and a fair distribution of costs. An equal playing field, both nationally and internationally, creates the smartest and most efficient sustainability.
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