ACM: costs for the return of solar panels are reasonable

Energie-Nederland endorses the clear conclusions from ACM’s research: energy suppliers do not charge unreasonable rates for customers with solar panels.It also does not lead to additional profit margins. After all, consumers without solar panels no longer contribute to these costs and pay a lower price per kWh than they would otherwise have done. This is the conclusion of the supervisor.

The research also shows that the additional annual costs for consumers with a small number of solar panels are low. With large numbers, as is often the case with companies, costs increase. Consumers in particular receive an incentive to directly consume electricity themselves and invest in storage capacity if the additional costs are passed on in a targeted manner, according to ACM.

Chair Cora van Nieuwenhuizen: “Purchasing solar panels is still worthwhile and that is why the number of panels will increase. It is always wise to find out what the best offer is in your situation. There are plenty of options to compare offers, including price comparison sites that take solar panels into account.”

Energie-Nederland believes that the netting scheme is unsustainable. Alternative support can be considered for specific households, such as a purchase subsidy, so that there remains support for the energy transition and it is attractive for everyone to participate.

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