Biomass used in power stations complied with agreements from the Biomass Sustainability Agreement in 2023

In 2015, the Biomass Sustainability Agreement – which concerns the use of sustainable biomass in power stations – was concluded by five environmental organizations (Greenpeace, Milieudefensie, Natuur & Milieu, the Nature & Environmental Federations, WWF) and the energy sector (Energie-Nederland and the legal predecessors of Onyx Power, RWE, Uniper and Vattenfall). The sustainability criteria in the Agreement have been drawn up together with environmental organizations. These criteria are among the strictest in the world. Under the agreements in that Agreement, the parties have appointed an independent rapporteur, CE Delft, who reports annually. On May 15, 2024, the rapporteur published the annual report for the year 2023.

CE Delft has determined for 2023 that the co-fired biomass in 2023 met the statutory and non-statutory sustainability requirements in the Agreement, just as in previous years for which CE Delft has reported.

More information:

Annual report 2023 Biomass Sustainability Agreement, CE Delft

Reports from previous years:

Jaarrapportage 2022 Convenant Duurzaamheid Biomassa, CE Delft

Jaarrapportage 2021 Convenant Duurzaamheid Biomassa, CE Delft Jaarrapportage 2020 Convenant Duurzaamheid Biomassa, CE Delft Jaarrapportage 2019 Convenant Duurzaamheid Biomassa, CE Delft

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