CE Delft and TNO: by using more electricity yourself, solar panels remain profitable even without netting

The Dutch government can maintain the returns on solar panels by encouraging people to continue their sustainability efforts alongside installing solar panels. For example, by adding a heat pump or an electric vehicle. This way, households can use a larger portion of their self-generated electricity. This is one of the findings from the study “Fact-Based Adjustment of the Net Metering Scheme for Solar Energy,” conducted by CE Delft and TNO on behalf of Energie-Nederland, NVDE, Holland Solar, and HIER. The report will be presented to members of the House of Representatives before Prinsjesdag. Study “The study shows that increasing the percentage of ‘self-consumption’ is beneficial for the financial returns of solar panels. If self-consumption can be substantially increased, it reaches a level comparable to net metering,” says Cora van Nieuwenhuizen from Energie-Nederland. Encouragement Energie-Nederland, NVDE, Holland Solar, and HIER believe that the net metering scheme no longer fits the current phase of the energy transition. However, abolishing the scheme must not result in a decline in the number of solar panels in the Netherlands. Therefore, encouraging additional sustainability measures that enhance the self-consumption of self-generated solar power is the best way to ensure that the number of solar panels continues to grow in the Netherlands.

  • Read the letter of presentation to the House of Representatives here, with the most important findings of the study.
  • Read the study ‘Fact basis for adjustment of solar energy netting scheme’ by CE Delft and TNO here.

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