Energie-Nederland would like to thank four fantastic interns

The open mindset, ambition, and curiosity of young people are invaluable to Energie-Nederland. That’s why our association offers multiple internships throughout the year. Currently, three interns are actively participating in our activities. Recently, we said goodbye to four interns, each of whom made significant contributions to our work in their unique ways. Elfie de Jong “During my graduation internship, I interviewed a diverse group of stakeholders in the heating sector. Through these conversations, I learned a lot about the different perspectives on the future of our energy system,” says Elfie de Jong about her time at Energie-Nederland. “I also enjoyed the interesting and educational discussions with colleagues and the enthusiastic guidance from Wouter Verduyn and Frans de Heij.” Elfie recently earned a master’s degree in Environment and Resource Management from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Laura Drost Laura Drost studied Engineering and Policy Analysis at TU Delft: “At Energie-Nederland, I learned how the electricity system works in practice and how different parties think about ensuring energy security.” Laura completed her graduation internship under the supervision of Wouter Verduyn and Rick van Staveren. “My supervisors were very involved in my research, and I found it inspiring to see the enthusiasm of my colleagues at Energie-Nederland for their field.” Franka Tetteroo “The best aspect of my internship in the PA department at Energie-Nederland was the enormous amount of knowledge I gained in a short period. There are so many different energy sources, so many different interests, and so many different processes. All of these need to be brought together somehow. That puzzle is incredibly interesting,” says Franka Tetteroo. Franka aims to further the energy transition through data research. She studied Governance Economics and Development at Leiden University and is now pursuing a two-year master’s program in Data Science for Public Policy in Berlin. Iris Berghof “I enjoyed being able to contribute to the tasks of the program managers and, in some cases, having the freedom to set something up myself.” Iris Berghof studied Liberal Arts and Sciences with a major in Earth, Energy, and Sustainability at Leiden University. This month, she started a master’s program in Energy Science at Trinity College Dublin. “Regarding her internship at Energie-Nederland, she says: “In the coming year, I hope to build a solid technical foundation in energy systems and identify a sub-theme that I want to continue exploring in the future. So far, I find flexibility and energy efficiency very interesting.”

Energie-Nederland would like to thank Elfie, Laura, Franka and Iris for their enthusiasm, great involvement and tireless efforts!

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