Energie-Nederland: Speed and More Concrete Plans Needed to Achieve Climate Goals

Members of Energie-Nederland are ready to embark on significant projects that contribute to CO2 reduction, such as offshore wind, large-scale storage, electrification, enhancing grid flexibility, and establishing local heating networks. However, considering the overall climate action package, we conclude that it requires not only speed but also a focus on feasibility and practicality. Plans may be patient, but their implementation is crucial. Many measures cannot be executed on time due to slow (nitrogen) permit processes or inadequate infrastructure.

The energy sector is eager to make rapid strides in the energy transition, but these plans need more concrete elaboration. While there is support for ambitious goals, they should not be confined to mere paper achievements, leaving entrepreneurs without clarity on expectations. Practical subsidy instruments need to be made available, and effective laws that enable swift implementation must be developed. Preconditions for infrastructure should be established without waiting for market initiatives.

Moreover, a multitude of measures have been announced. Energie-Nederland believes that one should not drown in a sea of uncertain small-scale measures (e.g., offshore solar, solar batteries). Instead, emphasis should be placed on a select number of measures with significant potential impact. For instance, promptly establishing ambitious policies for carbon-neutral dispatchable generation, or commencing immediate preparations and execution of the 14 designated MIEK (Infrastructure Energy and Climate Multi-Year Program) projects.

Read our full contribution here.

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