Listen to the podcast series Expedition Energy: accelerating the energy transition in the built environment

By 2050, all homes and buildings must switch off natural gas and be heated in a different way. Municipalities are in charge of this energy transition in the built environment and therefore play an important role in this. Citizens and companies also need to get to work. In the new podcast series Expedition Energy, experts and experienced experts discuss the roles of those involved. They discuss, among other things, support for residents and companies, challenges in the energy transition and possible solutions.

The major renovation: where are we with the energy transition in the built environment?

In the 1st podcast episode, Brecht van Hulten speaks with Teun Bokhoven (chairman of the Climate Policy Implementation Council for the Built Environment) and Jan van Beuningen (director of Construction and Energy at BZK). They talk about the goals for the energy transition, where the Netherlands stands, what the policy is and what steps can be taken. Diederik Samson also joins us and reflects on what is going well and what challenges still lie ahead.

This episode is also about the Wcw (Collective Heat Act) and the Wgiw (Municipal Instruments Heat Rates Act). The latter was adopted by the House of Representatives on April 23. If you would like to read more about this from Energie-Nederland, click here:

Adopted Wgiw support for accelerating the transition of the built environment
Critical advice from the Council of State Collective Heat Act (WCW)
Energie-Nederland is happy to cooperate in investigating the causes of Dutch heat rates

Next 2 podcasts

A public heating company, what does that entail?
In the 2nd episode, Tjalling de Vries (Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations) and Robert Crabbendam (public heating company HVC) discuss the questions that councilor Michel Klijmij-van der Laan (municipality of Gouda) puts to them. These are about the financial and organizational consequences of the heat transition, the role of the municipality and the representation of all interests.
How do you make your Owners Association more sustainable?
In the 3rd episode, Annemarie Küppers (Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations) and Laetitia Ouillet (municipality of Schiedam) talk about making different types of Owners’ Associations (VvEs) more sustainable. Experienced expert and VvE board member Marcel van Loon also shares his knowledge.

The podcast appears every 3 weeks and is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

This podcast series was created to share knowledge and information about the energy transition in the built environment. It involves exchange between policy, implementation and the various parties involved. The following organizations participated: ministerie van BZK, ministerie van EZK, Nationaal Programma Lokale Warmtetransitie (NPLW), Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten (VNG), Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie (NVDE), Aedes, Bouwend Nederland, Techniek Nederland, Energie-Nederland, Netbeheer Nederland en Platform Duurzame Huisvesting.

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