The open-mindedness, ambition, and curiosity of young people are invaluable to Energy Netherlands. That's why there is room for multiple interns throughout the year. Today,...
During the energy crisis, energy suppliers fairly passed on the costs they incurred to their customers. This is evident from research by the Netherlands Authority...
Stimulate green hydrogen production by opting for tenders with subsidies...
Energie-Nederland supports the call from the National Climate Platform (NKP), led by Kees Vendrik, to the coalition negotiators: focus strongly on implementation and realization power...
€300 million has been reserved in the Climate Fund for Dutch participation in H2Global. H2Global is a subsidy instrument set up by Germany to stimulate...
Today Members of Parliament are debating the announced measures to combat grid congestion. The overfull electricity grids have enormous effects on the economic development of...
It is not news that the electricity grids are overcrowded. But the low-voltage grid is also under pressure. On January 11, outgoing minister Jetten sent...
As of today, households with a lower income and a relatively high energy bill can turn to the Temporary Energy Emergency Fund. The Emergency Fund...
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