The open-mindedness, ambition, and curiosity of young people are invaluable to Energy Netherlands. That's why there is room for multiple interns throughout the year. Today,...
During the energy crisis, energy suppliers fairly passed on the costs they incurred to their customers. This is evident from research by the Netherlands Authority...
Energie-Nederland recognizes the results of the ACM investigation as well as the importance of a regulator acknowledging the costs incurred by energy provider through clients...
On Monday March 2nd, the television program Radar dedicated an item to the Temporary Energy Emergency Fund. Criticism from de Nationale Ombudsman served as the...
Gasunie Transport Services B.V. (GTS) presented the transmission tariffs for 2025 today. After the rates dropped in 2024 (-20%), GTS-tariffs will increase significantly in 2025....
What do we mean by this? Natural gas: The Netherlands is currently 75% dependent on imports for its energy supply. Own production of wind energy...
The Netherlands and Germany see great opportunities for cooperation in the North Sea to utilize the potential of wind energy for hydrogen production. The development...
Energie-Nederland believes - together with fellow industry parties such as the NVDE, Netbeheer Nederland, VNO-NCW and NWEA - that a legal exploration should be started...
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