Objection by Energie-Nederland Results in Removal of Unnecessary Requirements for Storage Regulation Speed

ACM (Authority for Consumers and Markets) has decided not to impose requirements on the minimum and maximum regulation speeds for energy storage facilities. Last year, ACM, based on the proposal by network operators, determined that storage facilities between 1 and 50 MW should adjust their output by at least 1% per minute and a maximum of 20% per minute. Energie-Nederland had objected to this decision, stating that such regulation speed requirements were unnecessary and hindered the optimal utilization of storage. These requirements not only disadvantage storage but also make the energy transition needlessly expensive.

In response to the objection, the network operators informed ACM that the regulation speed requirements for storage were indeed unnecessary. ACM has now confirmed this, resulting in the removal of the regulation speed requirements for storage.

Energie-Nederland is naturally pleased with this outcome. Additionally, Energie-Nederland believes that the existing regulation speed requirements for power generation facilities should also be abolished. These requirements are currently unnecessary, particularly for solar and wind generation, where they pose limitations.

Read more: link to ACM’s decision on the objection

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