The Advice of the Week #8 – Guarantee the security of electricity supply with a mechanism that guarantees investments in CO2-free adjustable power

What do we mean by this?
For windless cloudy periods (Dunkelflautes), CO2-free adjustable power is indispensable, especially if the electricity system must be completely CO2 neutral by 2035. We need to develop sustainable energy sources that do not depend on sun or wind. Therefore, convert gas power stations to hydrogen power stations. By keeping this controllable production in the Netherlands, we retain the independence to provide our own energy, even when there is little sun and wind. It is therefore important not to allow the international competitive position of the Netherlands to deteriorate, because this will stimulate investments here.

Successful World Hydrogen Summit in Rotterdam

This week, 15,000 people gathered at the World Hydrogen Summit in Rotterdam. For many countries, including the Netherlands, hydrogen is an indispensable link in the development towards a sustainable energy system. Discussions at the conference showed that there are still major obstacles to the creation of this new chain.

Energie-Nederland calls on Members of Parliament not to let the emergency law on heat rates lead to unintended side effects

Energie-Nederland sees heat networks (collective heat), just like the government, as an important alternative to heating with natural gas. Affordability of collective heat and a new tariff system that is no longer based on the price of natural gas are crucial. Minister Jetten wants to improve affordability in the short term. Last week he announced an emergency law that brings forward part of the new tariff system and will reduce the legally permitted rates. However, Energie-Nederland is concerned that the emergency law may have unintended side effects. If costs remain the same while the legally permitted rates decrease, investing in new heating networks will become even more difficult and the heating transition will be further delayed.

Construction of sustainable energy infrastructure contributes to reducing nitrogen deposition

Energie-Nederland believes – together with fellow industry parties such as the NVDE, Netbeheer Nederland, VNO-NCW and NWEA – that a legal exploration should be started quickly to see how sustainable energy infrastructure can be built more quickly. Sustainable energy infrastructure actually contributes to the reduction of nitrogen depositions and CO2 emissions. The members of Energie-Nederland are eager to invest in electrification, for example, but permits are often not granted or are only granted after years. This is partly due to the problems surrounding nitrogen depositions.