Response from Energy Netherlands to Parliament’s letter to accelerate and expand grid congestion measures in Flevoland, Gelderland and Utrecht

Energie-Nederland is shocked by the situation, especially in the center of the country. It is now clear that the electricity grids have not yet been sufficiently strengthened or expanded. Chair Cora van Nieuwenhuizen: “This is disastrous news for people who have concrete plans. The overcrowded electricity grids must be tackled together. We have to be creative and exclude nothing.” One solution mentioned is the construction of gas generators. Van Nieuwenhuizen: “This problem is so big that the market’s creativity is desperately needed. The sector would like to think about solutions in every possible way.” Energie-Nederland believes that everything should be aimed at making this situation last as short as possible. “Every project that is completed earlier means a delay for others, while you want everyone who wants to become more sustainable to be helped quickly with a connection,” says Van Nieuwenhuizen.

Find the full letter to Parliament here.

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