Energy Netherlands’ response to the 2024 ‘Troonrede’

It is good that grid congestion has a prominent place on the political agenda. The limitations of the electricity grid pose a serious obstacle to the energy transition and economic growth. Energie-Nederland is pleased that the new cabinet emphasizes today that the climate goals are and will remain leading.

Good balance
"We see a good balance in the cabinet's plans between sustainability, security of supply and affordability. Without security of supply and affordable energy, support for the energy transition will quickly come under pressure," says Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, chairman of Energie-Nederland.
Predictable government
Energie-Nederland welcomes the attention to reducing regulatory burden. A predictable government is crucial for the energy sector and the business community. "We are therefore pleased that the current cabinet emphasizes that the focus must now be on implementing the plans," said Van Nieuwenhuizen.

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