The Outline Agreement is a good basis for continuing the energy transition

Energie-Nederland sees the outline agreement as a good basis for continuing the energy transition. “Implementing the existing plans is already quite a task,” said chairman Cora van Nieuwenhuizen.

At first glance, the plans look good: green growth is promoted, emissions are reduced, attention is paid to the production of our own energy, such as gas production from the North Sea, so that we are less dependent on other countries. Continuing to subsidize CO2 storage and hydrogen is also good news. Promoting wind energy must also remain a priority. But the energy transition must remain affordable; the government has an important stimulating role in this. Existing budgets are desperately needed.

Netting The decision to abolish the netting scheme in one go is widely supported. A concrete date in the near future offers certainty for consumers with solar panels and also for those who still want to purchase them. The return costs can then be substantially reduced, provided that the netting of delivery costs is also abolished and depending on any requirements for the return compensation.

Energy transition costs Energie-Nederland continues to draw attention to the affordability of the energy transition and therefore the energy bill. Cora van Nieuwenhuizen: “Billions of investments will be made in the coming years, including to expand the overcrowded power grids. These costs should not be placed on the current generation through the energy bill, but in our opinion they should be spread over a longer term through the general resources. Financially vulnerable households in particular must be able to count on targeted support.”

Energie-Nederland hopes to be able to quickly consult with a new cabinet to further shape the aforementioned measures.

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